In one of our previous posts, we explained step by step process how to apply and get a family visit visa for Saudi Arabia. In this post, we will explain about few questions which are commonly asked by people about Saudi Arabia Family Visit Visa.
Please note that all the information shared in this post and in this website is un-official and based on personal experiences. Fro any official information, always consult with official channels.

Is it Mandatory to Have a Return Ticket for Family Visit Visa?
Family visit visas are issued for a certain duration depending on the selection of duration that you chose when applying. It is mandatory to purchase a return ticket for a person coming on family visit visa. This is to ensure that all people coming on visit visa return back to their home countries before expiry of their visit visa.
If you don’t purchase a return ticket, you will be questioned and will be stopped from boarding in your home country.
What to do with Return Ticket if you Extend Family Visit Visa?
People who come to Saudi Arabia on a family visit visa can get an extension for certain period to stay longer in Saudi Arabia after applying for visit visa extension through Absher (after paying required fees). In such scenarios, you need to change return date for your already purchased return ticket.
Recommended Reading: How to Extend Family Visit Visa in Saudi Arabia
To avoid any confusions and to save your money, make sure that you buy a ticket which can be changed with no extra charges or with less charges. When buying your ticket initially, confirm with your agent or with your airline and ensure that you don’t buy any such ticket which doesn’t have this option (if you plan for visa extension later).
Note that if you are coming on an initial visit visa of 3 months (example), your return ticket should be based on this initial visa (your entry to kingdom) and not based on your desired extensions. Extensions to visit visa are subject to the approval from the ministry and you should change your ticket only once you got your visit visa extension.
Can I bring my Mother-in-Law or Father-in-Law on Family Visit Visa?
Same as your parents, you can bring your spouse’s parents as well on a family visit visa. However, for family visit visa of your mother-in-law or father-in-law; you need to provide your original marriage certificate as your relationship with your parents-in-law can be verified only from your marriage certificate where name of your spouse and her parents will be mentioned.
Where I need to Pay Fees for Family Visit Visa?
For family visit visa, in Saudi Arabia you have to pay only chamber of commerce attestation charges (currently 35 SAR) and all other fees will be payable in your home country when submitting your application.
Fees for visit visa is different for different countries. You also need to pay for medical insurance and service charges of visa facilitating agent (e.g. Etimad Center in case of Pakistan).
After Visa Stamping From Embassy, What is the Validity of Visa?
You need to enter Saudi Arabia within 90 days after issuance of your family visit visa. This date is mentioned on the stamped visa as well. Make sure that you book your tickets and enter Saudi Arabia within this time period, otherwise your stamped visa will get expired and you won’t be able to avail it.
Also, It is important to know that once you got MOFA approval for your visa application initially, It must be submitted for visa issuance within 180 days (6 months) in the embassy/consulate in your home country.
Further Reading: How to How to Extend Medical Insurance for Visit Visa Extension in Saudi Arabia