Exit Re Entry Visa is issued to every expat working/living in KSA if he travels outside Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for a specific period of time. Exit Re Entry Visa Fees is 200 SR for two months with 100 SR for any additional month. This is the Exit Re-Entry visa fees for those expats who apply for Exit Re Entry Visa while inside KSA. However, people who are outside KSA and wish to get Exit Re Entry visa extended, the fees has changed. In this article, I will explain about Exit Re Entry Visa Fees changes for those who are outside Saudi Arabia. I will also discuss about change in Iqama Renewal Fees if you are outside Saudi Arabia.

Exit Re Entry Visa Fees For Expats Outside Saudi Arabia
Any expat who is outside Saudi Arabia on a Exit Re Entry visa is bound to return to the Kingdom before expiry of Re Entry Visa. However, if you are outside KSA and you wish to get your Re Entry Visa extended for some additional duration, that’s possible. However, Exit Re Entry Visa Fees has changed for those outside KSA.
As per the new amendment approved by Saudi Cabinet, Exit Re Entry Visa fee is SR200 for a single trip for a maximum duration of 2 months with SR100 for each additional month for those iqama holders (resident) who are inside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. But if an expat is outside Saudi Arabia then the fee for the additional month will be doubled i.e. 200 SR for every additional month.
For Multi-Entry Visa, fees is SR500 for 3 months, and SR200 for each additional month if the iqama holder is inside Saudi Arabia. However, if the expat applying for visa is outside the Kingdom, the fee for the each additional month will be doubled i.e. SR 400 for every additional month.
Iqama Renewal Fees For Expats Outside Saudi Arabia
Saudi Cabinet has also approved amendments regarding Iqama Renewal Fees (Renew Resident Permit) for those expatriates who are outside Saudi Arabia.
According to the amendment, Iqama Renewal fees for any expat including dependent family members will be charged double if the expat is outside KSA.