Category «Life In KSA»

How to Report About a Stolen Car in KSA Using Absher

Report About a Stolen Car in KSA Using Absher

Absher Platform provides dozens of digital services for citizens as well as residents in Saudi Arabia. Using Absher services, you can benefit at the convenience of your home without visiting different offices physically. Under vehicle services, there are plenty of useful features for those who aim to get services related to their vehicles. One such …

Saudi Arabia Expat Life: Expat Living in Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia Expat Life

Saudi Arabia is a land of opportunities for people from across the world. It is a developed country and continuous growth under its visionary leadership is resulting in more employment opportunities. Saudi Arabia is among very few countries in the world with tax-free income and that is a major attraction for expats. With vision 2030 …

Saudi Arabia Digital Visa: QR Code Visa for 7 Countries

Saudi Arabia Digital Visa

Under vision 2030, KSA is rapidly changing with excellent move towards digitalization. Different services offered by many ministries and offices are changing from classical manual method to innovative digital ways. Another major step in this direction is the experimental start of Saudi Arabia Digital Visa which is a QR code based electronic visa replacing sticker …

How Expat Dependents Can Work in Saudi Arabia?

Saudi Arabia is an attractive destination to work by hundreds of thousands of expats from all parts of the world. With a strong economy and a consistent growth; Saudi economy provides tons of job opportunities in different domains. With a huge number of expats, there is a big number of dependents of these expats living …

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